Thursday, November 19, 2009

Google Docs

In the recent past if you wanted to share documents with people you would just attach them to an email. But this can be time consuming if you have to send a lot of different documents to a lot of people. Then you have to keep track of every thing. Now with Google docs you can put your documents on the internet and people can access them without having to receive an email. It is a very good tool for teaching because every student can access a document on the computer without having to go check their email. They can do it on any computer and this makes doing computer work easier. This application can be used in so many different ways and for so many different reasons and that’s makes it good.

Google docs can be used in every type of career field; the thing is people just have to learn how they can take advantage of this free service. A lot of people aren’t even aware of its existence and they can benefit greatly by it. The reason why its here is because it helps people get work done easier.

It comes with a few problems though. Many people don’t trust putting there personal documents onto the internet because they believe that anyone can gain access to them. This has been a concern for many people and its something that has to be addressed. Google can’t guarantee that people documents won’t be at risk but they say the chances of something happening are slim. People want their documents to be secure and private but by putting them on the internet they are putting themselves at risk. Ownership rights of material are also coming into question. When you put something on the internet that is yours anyone can just take it and call it their own. These and other problems are being brought up but they aren’t big enough issues for most people to turn them away from it.

In the end google docs is very useful for certain things but be weary of what you put on it. If your document contains sensitive information and you don’t want to risk it getting out, and there is no need to use it, then don’t. This is just another tool that can be used to simplify some people’s lives.

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